Nicomsoft OCR is a ready-to-use software applicable to in-build products with high-quality optical character recognition ability.
Enhanced with smart capabilities, this tool, has been designed keeping in view the user end to return fast quality work. This standard tool is enhanced with the capabilities to create in-built high-quality optical character recognition functionality in their products. The various features supporting this tool are: the ability to support various image formats like: BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, and more; support for multipage image formats, ability to load images from a file, memory or pixel data; ability of selecting one or multiple areas for OCR, supports ICR module for handwritten digits, use several CPU cores for faster OCR, supports a unique character analysis technology, Dictionaries used for better recognition, and much more.
Nicomsoft OCR this amazing software is compatible with your Windows and Linux platforms.
Nicomsoft OCR is useful for developers to in-build their products with high-quality optical character recognition ability.
This standalone tool, that has been designed keeping in view the user end has the potential to return fast quality work. This tool has the capabilities to create in-built high-quality optical character recognition functionality in their products. The features supporting this tool are: supports many image formats like: BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, and more; support for multipage image formats, capble of loading images from a file, memory or pixel data; ability of selecting one or multiple areas for OCR, supports ICR module for handwritten digits, use several CPU cores for faster OCR, supports a unique character analysis technology, Dictionaries used for better recognition, and much more.
With easy to use and an user friendly interface Nicomsoft OCR supports Windows and Linux platforms.